Engagement et. al.

My sis’s engagement was yesterday. I was on the phone with my parents numerous times through out the day just to check in and see how things are going. The whole thing went very smoothly and I got some pics that were taken by my cousin using his cell phone camera emailed to me the same evening. I am expecting to get copies of the professional photographs in a day or two. I have to confess, it is such a different feeling to actually see the pictures as apposed to just thinking and conversing about the engagement. It makes it so much more real, and all of a sudden you are overwhelmed with happiness and with regret that you couldn’t be there at the same time. My family looks so happy and after such a long time. I cannot even write about it without holding back tears.

All this has given me a new inspiration to work harder on my quals. This puts what is really at stake front and square and in very realistic terms.

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