Goodbye old friend.. you will be missed

The President of Iraq, Mr. Saddam Hussein, was executed at 6.00 AM local time. While I do not approve of his actions even if they are not as horrendous as the media has portrayed, he is one of the rare breed of men who stand up to what they think is right.

I did not believe for a minute that he was a noble soul who did nothing wrong, but I do believe that the American Imperialism had no business invading his country. When will we ever learn that democracy has to be born from within, and cannot be enforced.

When your whole pretext of invading a sovereign nation is to spread democracy, what lesson are you teaching when you kill their president after holding a sham of a trial. Both the human rights organizations, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International have unequivocally announced the trials as unfair and biased. The chief judge of the trial resigned in protest of the political influences. What more do we need before we call it a sham? Aren’t due process and “innocent until proven guilty” the very foundations of democracy? How is it what we are doing any different from the lynching?

All media speaks of are the billions of dollars and 3000 men in uniform that were lost in the invasion. While the loss of life is tragic, we need to understand that these men signed up voluntarily for this, unlike the many hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians, not to mention the millions more rendered homeless. I am yet to see a real account of what has this done to the lives of millions of Iraqis who did not sign up to wager their lives. There is not a square in the whole country where those who are left can grieve in peace. Why is it that we hold the 3000 lives at a higher pedestal than the millions on the other side?

I will leave you with a quote from Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

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