Grad Student Forums

I was thinking about the general support network for a grad student, and came to a conclusion that most people who need help are not in a position to go discuss the issues one-on-one with anyone they know in person. Here is where the internet comes to the rescue. For me personally, this blog has been a source of information, opinion, and well plain ranting. I am fairly certain it is the same case with other student blogs too. However, there is only one small problem with this approach. The feedback is limited to the number of regular readers of your blog, and typically there are very few of them.

Next step web forums.

The closest I have come to finding forums for grad students are groups like phinished. While they are perform a critical service, their focus is restricted to a small portion of the entire student experience. Instead of my typical whine-and-run routine, I have chosen to be proactive for once and do something about it.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you

It is still a work in progress, so it is pretty rough around the edges. Please do let me know if you have any suggestions or criticisms. Oh.. and tell your friends 😉

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