Life, Universe, and Everything

Its been a while since I have made a meaningful post, so here is a synopsis:

1) My sister went from being single, to nearly engaged, and back to single over the period of last 2 weeks. The guy was nice, but too nice to be true. The more digging we did into his background, more uncomfortable things became. She is handling it amazingly well. Guess she is just a whole lot stronger than I gave her credit for.

2) The whole drama made my mom, well anxious and depressed. Understandable. However, what worries me is the magnitude of her reaction. She confided in me last night that she actually purposefully cut her toe against the rough edge of a chair just to relieve frustration. I have been trying to talk her down, but its going to be a long process.

3) Things with QoH are on a roller coaster as usual. Yesterday he blew a fuse because he could not catch hold of me on my mobile phone for a period of 5 hours in the evening. I refused to apologize for it and told him we could discuss it if he wants. I have made up my mind to put an end to his passive aggressive bullshit. If he wants to be an asshole, he has to come out and outright say it.

4) I might have mentioned that I am actively involved in a student organization on campus that is targeted towards fostering leadership among graduate students. We have been holding regular meetings over the last few months, and things have been progressing really well. I am so happy that I am able to contribute something towards the betterment of the world, however small that contribution might be. Also, I now have a huge ass crush on one other staff member, but she is in a committed relationship. I need to figure out why is it that anyone I am interested in is either already married or well on their way towards it.

1 Comment

  • By Jenny, December 3, 2006 @ 5:01 pm

    Damn, pseudo, that’s a lot in 2 weeks (for your sister, I mean). Glad she is okay, though. Hope your mom is okay, too.

    You should give QoH a taste of his medicine. I’m so proud you’re standing up to him, as you should.

    Your last bullet point reminds me of a quote I once heard: men are like toilets. They are either taken, out of order, or full of shit! 😛

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