I thought I had it bad

I have often told you how sometimes my adviser can be difficult to deal with. Honestly, there are instances where I have considered changing advisers. Till date, I thought I had got the rawest deal in grad school history.

I went to a meeting of a support group this afternoon that put things is perspective. I cannot discuss the details coz of obvious reasons, but there was this visually challenged person whose adviser was so un-cooperative that the committee members had to actually step in. The person was talking about the hardships her adviser puts her through.

At the end of the meeting, I truely started appreciating how accomodating QoH has been to me. He has his moments, but in general he is not that demanding. Even when he is, he near always has an excellent reason for it.

We as grad students do not appreciate our advisers often enough, and I think its time we did something about it. How about we write to Hallmark and request them to start a “Adviser appreciation day”?

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