Meeting with QoH

After our regular weekly meeting, QoH and I had a walk-&-talk. He wanted to discuss my graduation timeline and my plans after I pass quals. First off, I am so happy that he thinks I will pass quals 🙂 Anyways, getting back to the story, we deliberated for a few mins and agreed that I will have give my general exams coming Fall and likely graduate in Summer 2008. YAY!

Then the conversation turned to what I want to do in the 5 quarters between now and then. He offered me an internship position at a startup who is also a collaborator on one of our research projects. Considering I need money more than oxygen right now, I accepted it. Yay part 2!

Then the conversation moved to what after the summer internship? I wanted to do a lab rotation and QoH agreed to help me with it. In addition he offered me to co-author a BOOK with him !!! He also wanted to know if I would be interesting in joining him float a company based on our research. YAY!!!

Right now I am riding a high, and if past is any indicator, I know there is a trough that is right behind the high. Just the fact that I couldn’t care less makes the high higher 🙂

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