Leadership Workshop

The student body I am involved with organized a day long workshop on leadership on Saturday. It went really well and we had the largest turnout for it in our short history. 🙂 Organizing it was pretty fun, but tiring as hell. The event had its ups and downs (including a fire scare) but was fun overall, and was well received.

After last evenings workshop I realized how attached I am to this organization and how strong my feelings are. One of the staff members had some petty issue was creating a bit of political discomfort. It was put out at the end of the day, but the few hours between was kind of disturbing for me. I guess I am happy that I am atleast invested and involved in something I believe in.

The workshop did bring up a dilemma, a personal one of sorts. I had been encouraging my friends to attend this workshop and one of my room mates signed up. I have been living with him for the last 4 years, so I know him a bit. Here is the problem. He lives by an entirely selfish philosophy that the world exists to serve him and for no other reason. These are his words, and not mine. The leadership organization’s philosophy is exactly the opposite, and we teach to be loving leaders. My roommate is attending these workshops to pick up the thought skill sets so that he can manipulate people better. I cannot stop him from attending the workshops, but at the same time I cannot let him exploit the wonderful resource. I am not sure how to handle it. Any ideas?

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